How It Works
Post your job on TekResume
We match the right candidates
They apply to your posting
Hiring Features
Candidate Network
Promote your job on TekResume and over 2000 partner websites reaching over a million tech candidates
Dedicated Account Manager
Work with a personal account manager available to help post jobs and improve job sourcing, screening and performance
Job Sourcing
Receive additional options sourced from our candidate database, CareerBuilder, Monster, Indeed, ZipRecruiter and LinkedIn
Job Posting Dashboard
View, interview, hire and track the entire process in our easy to use Employer Dashboard. Run job performance reports anytime
Screened Short list
Interview and hire from a growing list of screened candidates that are at least a 60% fit for your tech position and save time
Job Posting Analytics
Track, view, and report real-time data on your job's performance to include its Application Rate, Views,
Clicks, etc